Author: Bryna


Meet Beau

The weekend of my son’s first birthday we drove from our rental home in Virginia down to North Carolina to meet our Standard Poodle puppy Beau.  This post is so you can also meet Beau! Picking out Beau We originally went to the breeder with the intention of purchasing a…

Home Improvement

Home Buying Tips

Our home buying experience was very pleasant, which is something not everyone is fortunate enough to say. Not only do I credit our experience to our realtor and smart financial choices, but to our research ahead of time into what we truly wanted out of this home purchase. Here are…

Online Gaming

Pokemon Go

Welcome to my Pokemon Go post! This is one of my favorite games. I’ve played on and off for years since it came out. It’s an easy mobile game that I use to fulfill my completionist traits and to motivate me to take my kids to the playground more than…


Big Bend Camping Trip

Our family is thrilled to go camping again for the first time since we had Lil’ C. We decided to make the four and a half hour drive out to West Virginia to the Big Bend Campground. My camping posts are simple, as are my camping trips. Here is a…


The Big Re-Potting

Before we moved into our first home I wanted to check on all my plants and get some of my newest additions into some more permanent pots before moving them all. I called it The Big Re-Potting because I don’t think I’ve ever done this many plants at one time! I…

Home Improvement

Buying Bryna’s First House

Welcome to my post “Buying Bryna’s First House!”. My husband and I closed on our first home the day after our seven year anniversary. We searched for about three months, and got turned down multiple times before finally purchasing our first house. This post goes through our experience as first…

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