Category: Home Improvement

Home improvement projects and DIY’s put to the test.

Bryna’s family recently purchased their first home, and Monica’s is on their way to doing so as well!
We’re both taking all of the ideas, Google searches and Pins we’ve saved and seeing how they actually work.
Neither of us are not particularly handy, but we are crafty! We are looking forward to sprucing up our households with small renovations. We focus on little changes to modernize and cozy up our living spaces so they are inviting, stylish and practical for family living.

We’ll show our projects for how they really went, even if the in between pictures are really ugly. We know that at the end of the project, the time and effort we spent will bring out the beauty in anything!

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Home Improvement

Home Buying Tips

Our home buying experience was very pleasant, which is something not everyone is fortunate enough to say. Not only do I credit our experience to our realtor and smart financial choices, but to our research ahead of time into what we truly wanted out of this home purchase. Here are…

Home Improvement

Buying Bryna’s First House

Welcome to my post “Buying Bryna’s First House!”. My husband and I closed on our first home the day after our seven year anniversary. We searched for about three months, and got turned down multiple times before finally purchasing our first house. This post goes through our experience as first…