Category: Online Gaming

One of the hobbies we have in common is online gaming. We each find joy on multiple video gaming platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Playstation, XBox and our phones.
We’d love to share our favorite gaming experiences, hacks and play along with anyone who shares our hobby.

I mostly play video games on my PS5, but I do play some games on my phone as well! I’ve been a gamer for many years, in fact I met my husband playing Call of Duty over a decade ago. Some of my favorite console games include Minecraft, Call of Duty and The Elder Scrolls Online. Additionally, I like to play Hayday and Pokemon Go on my phone.
Feel free to add me as a friend! PSN – IYD2834 Pokemon Go – 5214 4256 1339
– Bryna

Monica Insert

If you’re also interested in gaming, follow our posts to find information on games we play, events in games and to see us relaxing!

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Online Gaming

Pokemon Go

Welcome to my Pokemon Go post! This is one of my favorite games. I’ve played on and off for years since it came out. It’s an easy mobile game that I use to fulfill my completionist traits and to motivate me to take my kids to the playground more than…

Online Gaming

The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

One of my all time favorite video games to play is The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). I played the game for 2 years upon it’s release, quit, then picked it up again at the start of the COVID pandemic. This game is potentially my most time consuming hobby. Between the…