Category: Travel

Welcome to our Travel section!
These posts are to showcase our travelling experiences, as well as provide helpful tips for travelling and information for our vacation and business destinations. Most of our travel will include our families, so be prepared for lots of family fun stories and hacks. For our solo travel, we’ll be sure to include information about what to do when travelling by yourself, how to stay safe, and how to have fun on your own!

Most of our travelling occurs within the United States, but with Bryna’s family in Canada, we regularly have our adventures in the Great White North as well. We usually combine a major holiday with our international plans, so we also get to experience the chaos of travelling with the added holiday congestion.

Road trips, flying and trains are all part of our choice transportation methods. Plane, train or automobile, we’ll get to where we want to go!

We also don’t shy away from roughing it either. Bryna’s family enjoys tent camping a couple of times a year. We’ll have stories about spending time in nature, making campfires, fishing, and keeping children and a puppy entertained away from home.

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Best Friends Reunited – My Weekend in Florida

Best Friends Reunited – My Weekend in Florida How do I even begin to describe seeing my best friend for the first time in over six years? We both knew that no matter what we did or didn’t do this weekend we were just grateful for the opportunity to converse…


Hershey Family Trip

September 2023 is a busy month for our family! Our Labor Day Weekend started out with a 5 hour drive up north to Hershey, Pennsylvania to visit a friend and to see Hershey’s Chocolate World. Here’s our family trip to Hershey and Chocolate World. Friday  – Arrival to Hershey We…


Big Bend Camping Trip

Our family is thrilled to go camping again for the first time since we had Lil’ C. We decided to make the four and a half hour drive out to West Virginia to the Big Bend Campground. My camping posts are simple, as are my camping trips. Here is a…