Welcome to our Plant Page!
We love our plants, on both good days and bad! Whether they’re houseplants, flowers, trees or vegetables, we’re interested in learning and growing whatever we can.
Here you’ll find posts about what we’ve found works or doesn’t work for any botanical situation.
We have various Houseplant and Garden experience that ranges from rehabing plants from big box stores (such as Walmart and Home Depot) to nurturing exotic plants we’re lucky enough to find. We’ll provide tips, tricks and updates on all of the plants that make their way into our homes.
I grew up with a love of plants thanks to my Mom and my Nana. Both houses were lush with greenery, and brightened with colorful, full flower beds. I remember the first plant I got for myself was a Fern. I spent a week at my grandparents house and came home to a crisp, unwatered, unhappy Fern. I learned that lesson quick; always hire a sitter! I’ve since adopted a variety of houseplants at each of my residences over the past few years. Now that I own my first home, I’m excited to expand my knowledge further into outdoor gardening including bush and tree care as well! – Bryna
Growing plants can be a lot like having kids, they always want something, but can’t always tell you what it is! Some posts go over troubleshooting common problems such as overwatering, sunlight as feeding.
Propagation is a fun and rewarding portion of this hobby, which will soon take off with some added support. In the future, we hope to add options to introduce plants to your home as well.