Pokemon Go
by Bryna
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Welcome to my Pokemon Go post! This is one of my favorite games. I’ve played on and off for years since it came out. It’s an easy mobile game that I use to fulfill my completionist traits and to motivate me to take my kids to the playground more than I usually would. Overall I think it’s a cute game that’s worth any amount of time put into it.
About Pokemon Go
There is so much to say about Pokemon. There have been tons of games, cards, shows and other memorabilia released over the years for this beloved fantasy world.
Pokemon Go released in the US in 2016. I was living in Canada at the time, so I used whatever shady device settings change I knew about to change my location to download and play the game early. I played for about 1 year after it realized, and quit playing when I moved to California. They were no Pokestops or Gyms near where I lived, so it wasn’t worth playing.
Why I Play
Even though I haven’t been playing Pokemon Go for the last 7 years straight, I’m happy I’ve picked it back up again the past few. This is an enjoyable game because there are still regular updates and events that allow me to play hard when I want. Each Tuesday features a spotlight hour with a special Pokemon spawning. There are also events at least one Saturday a month called Community Days with special spawns and tasks to complete. On the contrary, I can also choose to not even open the app for a week without penalty. It gives me an extra activity to do when I go grocery shopping or at playgrounds with the kids. I’m sure you’re thinking, then who’s watching the kids? Still me. It’s easy to do both in a safe area and with proper prioritization. This game is also FREE to play! Of course that’s a big part of why I can play it. The in-game currency of Coins is earned by placing your Pokemon in Gyms. You can earn up to 50 coins per day. If you are consistent about getting your Pokemon in gyms, earning the currency is easy!
My Pokemon Go Tips
If you’re looking for a cute and relaxing game to play, start up Pokemon Go! If you turn on Adventure Sync, the app counts your movement while you’re not playing so it’s easy to still hatch eggs and earn walking rewards without having your phone open.
Just play when you’re bored! Depending on where you live, Pokemon can even spawn just while you’re at your house. There is no pressure to catch, spin, or walk when you don’t want to, so it’s perfect for playing casually or as much as you want.
Most of this game can be accompmlished on your own or with strangers. If you really want to do all of the content available, I suggest joining a local Facebook Group or Discord Server to find other local people to play with. Raids and trades need to be accomplished by multiple trainers. If you’re shy, ask a friend to play with you as well! I have an account for my husband as well, so I can have another trainer with me for tougher raids that I wouldn’t be able to win on my own.
Pokemon Devices
There are also multiple devices available to catch Pokemon for you; even while you sleep! I purchased a watch that catches Pokemon and spins Pokestops, so the game plays for me while I’m driving or while I’m preoccupied. I wouldn’t recommend buying a device unless you can regularly spin Pokestops, because it’ll run through your normal Pokeballs FAST.

Here is an example of a Pokemon Go Plus catch device. This one catches Pokemon while you sleep!
Here’s how to add me as a friend on Pokemon Go;
1. Go to Friends
2. Click Add Friend
3. Enter my trainer code 5214 4256 1339
My screen name is IYD2834 and I send gifts as often as I can!
I am in no way affiliated with Pokemon or Niantic. These are my personal thoughts!
Welcome to my Pokemon Go post! This is one of my favorite games. I’ve played on and off for years since it came out. It’s an easy mobile game that I use to fulfill my completionist traits and to motivate me to take my kids to the playground more than…
Welcome to my Pokemon Go post! This is one of my favorite games. I’ve played on and off for years since it came out. It’s an easy mobile game that I use to fulfill my completionist traits and to motivate me to take my kids to the playground more than…